Monday, August 26, 2013

A Letter to My Kindergartener

My sweet Caleb,
     Today is such a big day for you.  It is the beginning of your official school journey.  I know you have been in "school" before, but this time it's a little different.  From the moment you step through those elementary school doors, you will no longer be a baby... you're a big kid now going to big kid school.  Even though I'm sad that you are growing up, I'm so excited that I will get to share in all of your memories with you because I will be right across the hall!
     I want you to know how proud I am of you.  You are an incredible little boy who can do anything that you put your mind to.  Every day you amaze me.  The words you say, things you know, your big heart, friendly demeanor, your curiosity, and the love you have for learning are just a few things that are going to help you in school.  Always believe in yourself and never give up even when things are hard because there will be moments when it will be difficult.  School is a very fun and exciting place, but sometimes it can be mean and scary too.  You will find out that not everyone wants to be your friend or always wants to play with you.  Just remember that you define who you are, nobody else can do that but you.  I hope that you are always kind to everyone even if they are not that nice to you.  You will be tempted to make bad choices, but try your best to remember the difference between right and wrong.  Always tell the truth, even if it gets you in trouble and remember that Daddy and I love you no matter what so you can ALWAYS tell us anything.  Listen to everything Mrs. Kindred teaches you, she is a smart lady and she will teach you things that Daddy and I have forgotten about.  Be helpful and respectful, it's extremely important.    
     You will be in my thoughts all day today.  Even though I will only be feet away from you, I will be wondering what you are doing all day, are you listening to your teacher, did you make any new friends, are you okay, will you get your lunch finished in time or will you spend your whole lunch time talking and if you are missing us; your family.  I hope that when you walk your energetic self over to my classroom after school I will get to hear all about how your day went; what you liked or didn't like, new friends names, who you sit with at your table, what you think about your teacher... truth is though I will probably get the answer, "We played" or "I don't remember."  To be honest, that's perfectly okay, as long as you still give me a big hug when I see you.
     Kindergarten will be one of your favorite places.  I have so many hopes and wishes for you this school year but mainly I just want you to be happy.  We will have to make up a secret code just for you and I, that way when I see you in the hall we can make our secret code and neither one of us will get in trouble for talking in line.  I love you to the moon and back buddy, I hope you know you are always in my heart.



Anonymous said...

Mommy is right Caleb. You will enjoy kindergarten very much. Your a very intelligent boy, so grandma knows you will be fine. Give mommy and daddy hugs this morning, as this day will be as hard for them too. Grandma and grandpa are very proud of you. I will be waiting for your phone call tonight. Love you very much Caleb. Love, Grandma

Anonymous said...

Thanks for making me cry! -Tovah