I must admit, I was a little worried how Caleb was going to handle sharing the attention with someone else. Would he be angry? Would he get upset? Feel left out? What if he starts misbehaving at school? Maybe he won't understand why we have to give her so much attention. Oh no, what if he HATES her?!?!?! With all of the mommy questions/worries that I had, the one thing that I forgot to consider is the fact that I was talking about Caleb here! This kid is pretty awesome and not much phases him.

I was focusing on all the things that I knew Caleb struggled with instead of what I love about him the most... his kind heart. I mean this is the kid that cried one day because 2 dogs were running around on the street, in the pouring rain and he was afraid they would get struck by lighting. After much debate on why they couldn't come inside our house, he convinced me to open the garage door so they would have a dry place to lay until the rain stopped... we also had to call the "dog helper" to come take them to their home. This is also the same kid who for 9 months asked almost every day when his baby was going to be here. What was I so worried about?!?!?!
From the moment that Lily came into this world, Caleb has absolutely loved her. He wants to help with everything, well minus the diaper changes that is! :) While there has been times that he doesn't always understand why her needs tend to come first right now, overall he has been so patient and loving with her. The best part of all of it is seeing how proud he is of her and how he likes to show her off to anyone and everyone! Talk about melting a mom's heart!!
He loves his little sister so very much! Every morning he kisses her good bye and tells her to have a good day, and every afternoon he comes home and tells her how his day was at school. He helps bathe her, feed her, play with her, protects her, reads to her, tells her jokes, talks to her, holds her hand, cuddles... I could not be more proud of this special little boy and how he adores his baby sister!
I can only hope that their relationship will continue to grow into one that is full of love. laughter and a happily ever after.
So so so sweet!!! He IS amazing, because he has such awesome parents! You & Chris have taught him well and should be very proud. :) I love my kind-hearted God son. He is such a blessing.
Oh so sweet! Caleb will always be a GREAT big brother. You couldn't have said it any better mommy. You have two beautiful children and they will always know they are loved very much by mommy and daddy. Love you, Mom
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