Friday, December 2, 2011

Dashing through the Snow to ICE we go!

Who would have guessed the week of Thanksgiving would have gone by so fast.  After a very short and sad trip back up North, we made our way back to Texas to enjoy the holidays with Nana & Papa.

The day before Thanksgiving, while everyone else was preparing for the big feast, we decided it would be a good night to take Caleb to see what the big fuss over ICE is all about.  WOW!!  Let me start off by saying that I did not realize how big the Gaylord Texan is!  It seemed like we walked forever and a day to get to where the cold icy land started.  We did have to stop and admire all the wonderful trains and Christmas decorations the hotel had to offer and we actually got a few good shots in the process with the camera!

This is where the fun really began!  Our first stop was the ice slides and every single one of us went tubing down the slide... even NANA!! :)  The pictures from the slide turned out blurry so I don't have very many to show, but let me just tell you that this was probably the best part of the night.  Watching Caleb's sweet little face as he zoomed down the slide was pure happiness!

So after about 4 times down the slide we saved our last few passes for after the ICE exhibit.  We headed on over to find our parkas and learn all about how ICE is created!  Can you believe they fly people all the way from China to make these sculptures?!?!  I was amazed at what I learned!

I really thought that Caleb would get whiny because they keep it so cold in the exhibit {3 degrees}, but I think there was so much to keep him distracted that he forgot his little lips were trembling while looking at all of the Shrek ice sculptures!

If you can't tell by the pictures, I think Papa was having more fun than anyone!  He and Caleb were like two peas in a pod leaving the rest of us behind while they walked through the maze of magical ice hand in hand!  Seriously, if you live in the area and have never been to this... it's pretty dang cool!  It's hard to believe that people actually hand carve these massive blocks of ice, and of course they saved the best and most precious for last!

What a wonderful way to kick off the holiday season! :)

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