Friday, July 20, 2007

A Sense of Comfort

Here is the most recent update! The appointment with the doctor went well today, and I must say I felt a sense of comfort when I left. When your pregnant, as many of you know, you kind of feel like you are caught in a whirlwind of emotions. You experience everything from happiness and excitement to confusion and anxiety. Well, recently I have felt like I have NO CLUE as to what is going on or what to expect as I approach the last few months of pregnancy. Today, a lot of that got cleared up for me. Even though it's still not definite, my doctor discussed our options with us as far as delivery goes. From my previous post, you all know that Caleb is measuring quite "large"!! :) Today the doctor told me that more than likely she will induce me a few weeks early if his lungs are developed enough. She feels that I could go full term, but then if I do that I will be delivering a 10 pounder and she knows that's not something I want (AMEN TO THAT SISTER!). She gave Chris and I some dates to choose from and it looks like if Caleb doesn't come on his own before September 7th, then she more than likely will induce me on September 10th! Just knowing this small detail gives me such a better idea of what to expect! I know it's not definite, but still I feel like I can see the light at the end of the tunnel now. So sign me up Dr. Franken!! Give me the earliest time possible the morning of the 10th, pump my body full of that wonderful drug I have heard so much about and let's bring this kid into this crazy world!!

1 comment:

Mom said...

All the emotions are well worth it when it is all over and you have your pride and joy in your arms. Hang in there, just a few more weeks and the REAL excitement begins! Miss and love you! See you next week. :)

Love, Mom