Sunday, July 17, 2011

Date Night with my Boys

So our Saturday was a super fun and busy day!  It started off early in the morning with our garage sale (which btw was SUPER hot) and ended with Date Night with my boys.  Anyone that knows me knows that I am a huge Harry Potter nerd.  I still remember the first time I ever read Harry Potter and the Sourcer's Stone  in college for my Ed 25 class assignment.  I was HOOKED immediately.  From there on, I read every book, sometimes going out late at night to stand in line to get it, and saw every movie.  Chris never understood my love for this fictional character and often got irritated when I would spend hours reading chapters and ignoring him! :)  No matter how hard I tried I could never get him interested in it... not even the movies, until last night. 
Thinking I already knew the answer to the question I was about to ask him on Friday, to my surprise Chris said he would go see the last Harry Potter movie with me!  I WAS SO EXCITED!!  So of course I could not take him to this fantastic movie without catching him up on all the details from what he has missed in the years before.  Like a great trooper, he listened to me spill my Harry Potter knowledge out all over the place (I'm sure he was sitting there really hearing Wah wa wah wa wah) and then even attempted to watch Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows Part 1.  He made it through most of it but was ready for bed the last 30 minutes.  So needless to say when Saturday afternoon rolled around I was ready to go to the movies and see the finale of one of my favorite series.

I'm not going to lie... my heart was a little sad when the movie was over and I realized I had no more Harry Potter movies to look forward too, BUT what a fun night I had with Chris.  He watched the movie and when it was over he said he actually liked it because it had a lot of action in it.  I'm sure he was saying some of that not to hurt my feelings, but I'm glad he wasn't completely bored!

So after the movie we headed over to my brother and sister-in-laws house to pick up Caleb.  For a few weeks now we have wanted to take Caleb to Speed Zone so he could ride the race cars and play putt-putt.  Unfortunately when we got there though we realized that Caleb is still too little to ride the race cars BOO!  Oh well, we had just as much fun with our first experience with putt-putt!

I was so proud of my little guy!  He made it through all 18 holes of golf and actually did pretty good on putting.  He even got to the point where he wanted to hit Daddy's ball too!  There were a few times after hitting the golf ball about 7 or 8 times he would pick it up and move it closer to the hole (smart kid), but for a 3 year old he did amazingly well!  I wish I would have had my good camera though instead of the iPhone because trying to capture a picture of his tongue sticking out while swinging the club was almost impossible.  What a fun night we had on Date Night!

To wrap up our story here is a short video of Caleb's first attempt at putt-putt!

1 comment:

Aunt Daryl said...

those are cute pics and him sticking his tongue out reminds me of your grandpa how he couldn't do anything with out sticking his tongue and biting on it...Glad Caleb has a trait of your grandpa...He would be so ya