Monday, October 8, 2007

Cry It Out... Easier said than done!

I have officially experienced my first hardship as a new mom. No mother likes to see or hear their child in pain, but tonight I had to take a step back and let my sweet little baby cry himself to sleep. Most people would think, "What's the big deal?" Well, believe you me, it is a HUGE DEAL!! All you want to do is make your baby feel safe and when you have to put him in a dark room all by himself and listen to him cry, it is literally heartbreaking. Chris and I have decided that this little wonderful boy of ours has become a wee bit spoiled. He doesn't like to sleep in his own bed and he has gotten use to sleeping on our chests after eating. This is a habit that needs to be broken NOW!!!!!!!! It was the saddest thing I think I have ever heard, my poor baby screaming at the top of his lungs just wanting someone to love him and hold him and neither one of us could do anything about it. After what seemed to be an eternity, Caleb finally calmed himself down and FINALLY went to sleep on his own. Man, what an exhausting 25 minutes of a Mommy's life! :( BUT on the brighter side of things, he slept for 5 straight hours!! Maybe this whole experience was a blessing in disguise! (Not the actual photo from the experience!)

1 comment:

Mom said...

He is going to cry more than that in his lifetime so do get to upset over it. You will learn the difference between a spoiled cry and a hurt or hungry cry. Miss and love you.